請注意: 如任何一項聲明屬「否」,閣下須離開本行回家休息或向醫生求診
Caution: If any of the statements above is 'No', please leave the branch immediately. Find a doctor and stay at home.

*   密切接觸者定義 Definition of Close Contacts:
1.  家人、性伴侶以及您的照顧者或您照顧的人都被視為「密 切接觸者」。密切接觸者還包括您確定在您未帶口罩的情況下,曾在您 6 英尺距離內停留超過 10 分鐘的人,或者在 沒有戴口罩、罩衫和手套的情況下直接接觸您的體液或分 泌物的人。
    Close Contacts: Any family members, sex partners and carers are defined as “Close Contacts". Close Contacts also include people you stayed within 6 feet from you for more than 10 minutes (either one of you did not wearing a mask), or people you have directly touched your body fluids or secretions without wearing a mask, medical blouse, and gloves.

2. 患者病發前兩日曾接觸的人士也列為其密切接觸者。
   Members of public who has contacted the confirmed case of COVID_19 two days before the case is confirmed.